Notification of shareholding pursuant to Sec 91 ff BoerseG (Austrian Stock Exchange Act)
Ternitz, 4 October 2016: Schoeller-Bleckmann Oilfield Equipment AG (SBO) has been informed today and announces pursuant to Sec 91 ff BoerseG that Threadneedle Asset Management Limited („TAML“) directly holds less than 4% of the voting rights in SBO.
Prior to the sale transaction triggering the notification obligation, TAML held 4.04% of the voting rights relating to 645,933 shares in SBO. Following the sale transaction of 30 September 2016, triggering the notification obligation, TAML now holds 3.97% of the voting rights relating to 634.464 shares in SBO.
TAML is a subsidiary of Ameriprise Financial, Inc. (“AMP”). TAML is directly controlled via a chain of funds and investment companies by AMP. In course of the transaction of 30 September 2016, no further thresholds on the level of AMP have been reached or exceeded.
The percentages have been calculated on the basis of the number of voting rights of SBO as of 30 September 2016 (16,000,000).
For questions please contact:
Andreas Boecskoer, Investor Relations
Schoeller-Bleckmann Oilfield Equipment AG
A-2630 Ternitz, Hauptstraße 2
Tel: +43 2630/315 DW 252, Fax: DW 101