Announcement of a resolution for the sale of treasury shares

In compliance with the resolution passed by the Annual General Meeting on 27 April 2016, the Executive Board of SCHOELLER-BLECKMANN OILFIELD EQUIPMENT Aktiengesellschaft (“SBO“) with its seat in Ternitz has decided to sell treasury shares over-the-counter.
The announcement of the intended sale of treasury shares, based on the above mentioned resolution by the Executive Board of SBO, is made pursuant to Sec 4 and 5 Veröffentlichungsverordnung (Austrian Publication Directive).
All transactions carried out in course of such sale of treasury shares will be published on the website at (Investor Relations - Corporate Governance - Share Buyback/Sale).
The present announcement represents no offer for the acquisition of SBO shares whatsoever.
Date of resolution by the Annual General Meeting: 27 April 2016
Date and type of disclosure of the resolution by the Annual General Meeting:
On 27 April 2016 pursuant to Sec 2 and 3 Veröffentlichungsverordnung (Austrian Publication Directive) in connection with Sec 119 (7) BoerseG (Austrian Stock Exchange Act) via an information system with European-wide dissemination and on the SBO website (
Begin and expected duration of the sale of treasury shares:
From 28 March to 13 April 2018
Share category: Common bearer shares with a par-value of each EUR 1 (ISIN: AT0000946652).
Intended volume of treasury shares to be sold, each in proportion to the entire share capital: 6,000 shares representing 0.0375 % of the share capital. Allocation of shares in course of a long-term remuneration program in an over-the-counter transaction.
Highest and lowest value per share to be received: None, because allocation in course of a long-term remuneration program.
Type and purpose of the sale of treasury shares:
The treasury shares are allocated in course of a long-term remuneration program.
Possible effects of the share reacquisition program on the admission of the Company shares to official trading on the stock exchange: None.
Amount and allocation of share options to be granted or which have already been granted to employees, senior managers and individual board members: None. Neither the Company nor its affiliated companies currently have a share option program in place in the sense of Sec 65 (1b) last sentence AktG (Austrian Stock Corporation Act).



Oilfield Equipment AG

Hauptstraße 2
A-2630 Ternitz

Tel.: +43 (0)2630 315-253
Fax: +43 (0)2630 315-101

