Notification of shareholding pursuant to Sec 93 BoerseG (Austrian Stock Exchange Act)

Ternitz, 24.November 2014: Schoeller-Bleckmann Oilfield Equipment AG (SBO) was informed on 21 November 2014 and announces, pursuant to Sec 93 BoerseG in conjunction with Sec 91 and Sec 92 (6) BoerseG, that Oppenheimer International Growth Fund, 225 Liberty Street, New York, NY 10281, USA (“OIGF“) directly holds less than 5 Prior to the purchase transaction triggering the notification obligation OIGF held 5.23 Following the purchase transaction of 19 November 2014 triggering the notification obligation OIGF now holds 4.97 The SBO shares are managed as fund assets by Oppenheimer Funds Inc., 225 Liberty Street, New York, NY 10281, USA (“OFI“). OFI is entitled to exercise the voting rights in SBO at its own discretion. Under the transaction of 19 November 2014 no further thresholds were reached or exceeded by OFI.
